Skin Care Tips

Skin Care Tips

Even though winter hasn't flung its full force on us Snakebites just as yet, we can still feel the beginning of the dry, cold weather rolling in. There's a lot more to winter than the rosy glow on our cheeks. From our face to the soles of our feet, our skin has started to take a beating, looking dull, flaky and even cracked in some cases. The weather robs our skin of moisture an results in a generally dehydrated, dry feeling. Here are a few easy to follow winter skin care tips to leave your skin feeling renewed, supple and baby soft, bringing the dewy glow of summer back.

* Exfoliate:
Dry skin is the result of a build up of dead cells. Every week, exfoliate at least twice to thrice with a light body scrub and a facial exfoliate. This will help remove the dead cells of skin and will make your skin smoother and softer.

*Slather on the Sunscreen:
Just because summer's heat has passed us by doesn't mean that we should bid farewell to sunscreen lotions. Just because it's cold and windy outside doesn't necessarily mean that the sun isn't strong enough to burn your skin. Apply a strong sunscreen to exposed areas, especially the hands, approximately 25-35 minutes before you step of the house. Pick one that's at least SPF 20 for your face and hands. If you're spending a lot of time outdoors, don't forget to reapply. You may also use brands that combine both moisturizers and sunscreens.

*Need to be Drink Plenty of Water:
As the weather gets colder, staying hydrated goes down on the list of priorities, and we end up drinking less water than is recommended. Winter tends to make us more dehydrate, so it's advisable that one drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day. This effortless beauty care tips is one that's more beneficial when wanting a good health maintain and radiant skin.

* Moisturize Like  There's No Tomorrow :
The most obvious solution to dry skin invariably seems like slathering yourself in heap load of moisturizer.
However, truth be told preventing dry skin takes a tad bit more than just that. The change in weather conditions demands an alteration in your skin care routine , so using the same moisturizer you used during summer just won't do. Instead of opting for regular moisturizer, find an oil based one preferably avocado, mineral, almond, Shea and primrose oils. The oil will aid in protecting your skin from the loss of moisturizer. Creams and lotions don't work as efficiently as oil based moisturizer do. Whenever your skin feels dry, liberally apply moisturizer. Most lotions labelled as "night creams" are often oil based.

The easiest way to stay moisturized is by using bath oil. When steeping into the bath, use a generous helping of oils in your bath water to hydrate your skin. If oils in your bath water don't float your boat, opt for using olive oil once you've stepped out of the shower. Pour a few drops of olive oil on your palm and massage it into your whole skin

*Stay Away From Extremely Hot Bath :
Most of people would agree that one of the best things about winter is the comfort of a hot, cosy bath. However, many are unaware of the ill effects a hot bath can have on your skin. Extremely hot water breaks the lipid barriers in the skin, eventually leading to a moisture loss. It's advisable to use lukewarm water instead, whilst keeping the bath time shorter than 15 minutes.